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The in between times

Christine Collister

Hi everyone! It's been a whole month and more since Daphne's Flight last shimmied their magic but we have some more musical adventures coming up fast. Before I mention our growing Festival excitement I'll reminisce a little about the fun we had in May - just gearing myself up for the next phase don't you know?

After our first flight (please see earlier post) on the Isle of Man our next show was at The Theatre By The Lake in Keswick - a beautiful venue and gorgeous location. It was also the first show where we had our very own sound man (who quickly became known as the sixth Daphne!), Richard Harris and tour manager extraordinaire Jil Barke, aka Agent Barke (special OPs!). So our merry band was complete.

The show was another great success complete with brilliant audience full of enthusiasm and wonderful praise which we lapped up! Richard made us sound even more harmonious ... and it was only his first gig! We knew we were in safe and very talented hands (or should that be ears?:-). We stayed with great friends Vanya and Graham that night and were tatted to a mystical walk through a local stone circle the following morning before heading to Worcester. All-in-all a truly fabulous start to a magical tour.

There were 19 dates in all and each had its high points and I can honestly say - apart from losing my phone and Bob having the back window of our car smashed and his suitcase taken! - the entire experience was one of great camaraderie, beautiful uplifting music and deep gratitude. Who knew that after 21 years we could come back together and create something even more wonderful?

As a final reminder of this lovely start to the tour here's a small collection of musical, magical and mystical moments from our adventures in Keswick ... a few performance snippets and a delightful walk round Castlerigg Stone Circle ... you're welcome!

Daphne's Flight continue their adventures the weekend of July 29th at Cambridge Folk Festival where it all began 22 years ago! To say we're excited about revising such an auspicious occasion is a giant understatement. We're very much looking forward to recreating the buzz of that first outing including making a video diary with a special recipient in mind ... if anyone knows how to get in touch with Ellen Degeneres ... let me know! We would LOVE her to see and hear Julie's wonderful rainbow anthem "Pride"!

I'll do another catch-up Blogpost soonish. Thanks as always for dropping by. I'm still working on the website as a whole though it's intermittent ... I have plans! Watch this space.

Till next time ... play nice!

Endless blessings!

Christine xxx

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