Blogpost October 19th
The seasons are changing rapidly now … fewer and fewer leaves on the trees and those left are less ablaze, while those still hanging on, dress the thinning boughs with more muted tones of red, yellow and bronzy-golds. The forest floor is bursting with numerous fungi and the light is fading fast. This weekend our clocks turn back … bringing the fast approaching winter darkness earlier each day.

I’m so grateful to be living on the Isle of Man at such a tumultuous time. We live in relative safety here and are surrounded by great natural beauty which goes a long way to soothing an otherwise troubled soul. The privilege is certainly not lost on me.
Last week I was able to upload the audio files for the live solo CD HOME (first released in 2003 in celebration - then - of 20 years being a professional musician!) now available for purchase HERE. Alongside the original CD were a number of enhancements which are more difficult to make available in a digital format but I’m happy to share the beautiful video of Vincent, filmed/directed/edited and orchestrated by Dave Armstrong of DAM productions way back then. Time flies like an arrow... fruit flies like a banana! That is one of my all-time favourite jokes … couldn’t resist!
Apart from that, the only other bit of news I have to share is that I have finally run out of LOVE CDs, however, there are still a number of Vinyl copies I could make available if there were any interest? I was amazed to sell half a dozen at our CC&Friends show at the Villa Arcade recently. I think there are 12 LPs left … any takers?
Talking of recent gigs ... here's a wee snippet of that very show last month:
OK so that’s it for now, though I’m hoping to have a link for tickets to the Christmas themed concert happening at the Villa Arcade: Wednesday December 16th - soon! CC&Friends this time will consist of the fabulous vocal combination of myself, Christy DeHaven, Lindsay Rowe (and her fabulous keys!:) and the wonderfully talented partnership of Jo&Juan Callister … we promise to make your hearts soar! I know ours will!
Till then … stay well and keep rising above the turbulence!
Much love
Christine x
Thank you Christine🙏🕉